Friday, February 20, 2015

Update on Iris' development in past year: February 2015

November 2014

I have been intending to update Iris’ blog for quite some time as many things and events have occurred since I last posted.  Actually, when I originally created this site, I wasn’t intending on a ‘blog’ format per se, but since Iris continues to shine, grow and amaze us, why not keep updating with her fun achievements?! I also have to admit, I sure have enjoyed many sweet comments, so thank you!

As I stated in my introduction, I remember as a new parent of a child with DS yearning to search, find and ingest ‘success stories’ to help with encouragement and hope with raising Iris.  As it turns out, Iris is making it easy to relax about the matter more and more…

Before I update with photos and details, I would like to take a moment to state an annoying ‘stereotype’ I often hear when some people generalize kids or people with DS being so ‘happy’ all the time.  This feature does not apply to Iris. HA!  Iris can be grumpy, sassy, and resistant (nice, patient people or teachers refer to this as ‘gaining her independence’.  I call it downright aggravating when we are TRYING to get somewhere on time!....Nameste, Jos). Although, I must admit, she is one of the quickest persons I know to pull out of an ‘attitude’ or fit and apologizes profusely, immediately paired with a genuine hug. (It also may be because she’s smart enough to realize she will receive a consequence for poor choices or behavior such as movie watching restrictions and good heavens the earth would crumble without her movie enjoyment!) 
And boy is this girl obsessed with constantly drawing, coloring and creating! She obviously carries the ‘art gene’ passed down from her Grandmother and Great Grandmother.  Or, as her brother Eric likes to tell people, “apparently it skipped a generation…”.  Yes, I will admit, even my stick figure drawings are unrecognizable, but does my own son have to throw me under the bus??!  I can dance…does that count as SOME artistic abilities??

We continue to work with her on articulation, but her expanding speech continually improves and is consistently becoming clearer, which is encouraging as this is one of the biggest goals of parents with a child with DS.  We love how smart, hard working, curious, inquisitive and eager to learn Iris exhibits!  She is observant and sensitive.  If I express after a minor injury, “ouch!” (and to a point I didn’t even realize I stated it), Iris will ask, “Why’d you say ‘ouch’?” or “Why’d you say, ‘hmmmmm…’” (she may even be in the other room where I think she’s out of earshot.)  It takes me back because many people don’t even pay attention when one talks to themselves and inquires (although Iris makes me realize how much I DO talk to myself – eeeek!).  She will ask me immediately upon getting in the car at pick-up from school, “How was your day, Jos?” Oh, have I mentioned as of this past year she no longer refers to me as ‘Mom’ – just ‘Jos’.  Some have questioned if that bothers me and I just laugh and say, “no” and I am guessing it’s just a phase, not to mention I find it quite funny!  She asks her Dad immediately after he walks through the door, “How was your bike ride, Dad?” And later, “How was your day at work?” She is also the first to ask that question at the dinner table, “How was your day at school, Eric?”  (this is usually after her insistence on a family ‘toast’ clinking our glasses to whatever we choose to “cheers!” about).

I will close this entry on our amazement with her impeccable memory of past events, usually triggered by a song, a landmark while driving, a photograph, etc.  While the rest of us may have forgotten, her mind at times is like a steal trap and it can be mind blowing.  Now, if only she could remember where she left her portable DVD player that has been misplaced for the past month! 

February 2015

I obviously never executed the posting of the update I wrote back in November and I do not plan to provide much more of an update, other than with more photos and videos of highlights from this past year.  I will add that Iris currently keeps busy with her schoolwork, gymnastics once a week, drawing, movie watching and sports spectating with her Dad, and enjoys speech sessions with her mentor and friend, Grace.  A couple weeks ago during the Superbowl half-time, which Iris was intensely watching and enjoying, I was commenting on the terrific performance and Iris snapped at me, "Jos! Focus!" Apparently, she didn't appreciate the chit-chatting...What a lil' sweet angel, huh??

Puttering around on Eric's new kayak at our 2nd home in Mosier- Miss Iris is such an adventurist!

Daddy (and Eric) helped Iris build her Broadway Bridge Project: 3rd grade May 2014

Stephenson Variety Show, Iris performed a dance to Pharrell's 'Happy' 5/31/14

Sample of Daytime show...

Sample of Evening show...

Oh how Iris loves sports...ALL kinds!  GO TIMBERS!

Short-track series Monday night bike races June-Aug. 2014

Iris' first sleep-over (one of her 'besties' - Grace' Sweet 16!)

Kiwanis Camp Family Pilot Program August 2014

Video Jos made of our fun weekend at Kiwanis Camp...

Chap Art Camp!

Ms. Jil has been Iris' aid at school since Kindergarten (how fortunate are we?!), but Jil is more like a family member to us...WE LOVE YOU Ms. Jil!

She's always been such a monkey!

Assisting leading stretches at summer basketball camp

Timbers soccer camp 

Summer track camp! (obviously used photos to promote DSNO Buddy Walk)

Iris loves building, games, puzzles, creating and time with her Daddy!

We love our fun boat time out on the river and Iris has claimed she wants to learn to water ski soon!

Oh how Iris LOVES her Betsy-girl and her bro, which she still calls her 'best friend'  least when they are getting along!

Some of Iris' wonderful friends supporting her at the 2014 DSNO Buddy Walk

We four girls are BFFs for lucky are we to connect?!

Iris LOVES "Baby Ellie" as she refers to her...

Fireflies! Soccer season with her friends and classmates...

 I love how these girls embrace and celebrate Iris' ABILITIES!

NIKE Youth Games: Iris' photo from the year prior was featured on posters and all the programs (our little athletic superstar!) She chose to play basketball.

Iris' 1st year competing in Oregon Special Olympics! She earned 2 gold medals in her category for swimming!  SO proud, of course...

Iris played Middle Billy Goat Gruff in 'Rapunzel' Missoula play at school...

Our future 'master chef'?? Iris created and presented these dishes all on her own after watching Po, from Kung Fu Panda, in a restaurant scene.

She chose to be Mike Wazowski from Monsters Inc. for Halloween.
 Eric worked hard creating this costume for her....what an amazing brother.

Check out Iris' amazing jump rope skills! I was actually trying to capture her amazing dribbling skills and got this instead....

Enjoying sunset at our 2nd home in Mosier, Or....
You know, I could go on and on and on with this blog, photos, videos featuring Iris' strengths, development, humor and fantastic spirit; her efforts with her school required violin, her amazing jump rope capabilities and her love of her gymnastics class, but I think I'll end on this gorgeous face that continues to fill our hearts and blow us away continually....
You go Iris!  We love you ROCKSTAR!!!

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