Friday, February 20, 2015

Update on Iris' development in past year: February 2015

November 2014

I have been intending to update Iris’ blog for quite some time as many things and events have occurred since I last posted.  Actually, when I originally created this site, I wasn’t intending on a ‘blog’ format per se, but since Iris continues to shine, grow and amaze us, why not keep updating with her fun achievements?! I also have to admit, I sure have enjoyed many sweet comments, so thank you!

As I stated in my introduction, I remember as a new parent of a child with DS yearning to search, find and ingest ‘success stories’ to help with encouragement and hope with raising Iris.  As it turns out, Iris is making it easy to relax about the matter more and more…

Before I update with photos and details, I would like to take a moment to state an annoying ‘stereotype’ I often hear when some people generalize kids or people with DS being so ‘happy’ all the time.  This feature does not apply to Iris. HA!  Iris can be grumpy, sassy, and resistant (nice, patient people or teachers refer to this as ‘gaining her independence’.  I call it downright aggravating when we are TRYING to get somewhere on time!....Nameste, Jos). Although, I must admit, she is one of the quickest persons I know to pull out of an ‘attitude’ or fit and apologizes profusely, immediately paired with a genuine hug. (It also may be because she’s smart enough to realize she will receive a consequence for poor choices or behavior such as movie watching restrictions and good heavens the earth would crumble without her movie enjoyment!) 
And boy is this girl obsessed with constantly drawing, coloring and creating! She obviously carries the ‘art gene’ passed down from her Grandmother and Great Grandmother.  Or, as her brother Eric likes to tell people, “apparently it skipped a generation…”.  Yes, I will admit, even my stick figure drawings are unrecognizable, but does my own son have to throw me under the bus??!  I can dance…does that count as SOME artistic abilities??

We continue to work with her on articulation, but her expanding speech continually improves and is consistently becoming clearer, which is encouraging as this is one of the biggest goals of parents with a child with DS.  We love how smart, hard working, curious, inquisitive and eager to learn Iris exhibits!  She is observant and sensitive.  If I express after a minor injury, “ouch!” (and to a point I didn’t even realize I stated it), Iris will ask, “Why’d you say ‘ouch’?” or “Why’d you say, ‘hmmmmm…’” (she may even be in the other room where I think she’s out of earshot.)  It takes me back because many people don’t even pay attention when one talks to themselves and inquires (although Iris makes me realize how much I DO talk to myself – eeeek!).  She will ask me immediately upon getting in the car at pick-up from school, “How was your day, Jos?” Oh, have I mentioned as of this past year she no longer refers to me as ‘Mom’ – just ‘Jos’.  Some have questioned if that bothers me and I just laugh and say, “no” and I am guessing it’s just a phase, not to mention I find it quite funny!  She asks her Dad immediately after he walks through the door, “How was your bike ride, Dad?” And later, “How was your day at work?” She is also the first to ask that question at the dinner table, “How was your day at school, Eric?”  (this is usually after her insistence on a family ‘toast’ clinking our glasses to whatever we choose to “cheers!” about).

I will close this entry on our amazement with her impeccable memory of past events, usually triggered by a song, a landmark while driving, a photograph, etc.  While the rest of us may have forgotten, her mind at times is like a steal trap and it can be mind blowing.  Now, if only she could remember where she left her portable DVD player that has been misplaced for the past month! 

February 2015

I obviously never executed the posting of the update I wrote back in November and I do not plan to provide much more of an update, other than with more photos and videos of highlights from this past year.  I will add that Iris currently keeps busy with her schoolwork, gymnastics once a week, drawing, movie watching and sports spectating with her Dad, and enjoys speech sessions with her mentor and friend, Grace.  A couple weeks ago during the Superbowl half-time, which Iris was intensely watching and enjoying, I was commenting on the terrific performance and Iris snapped at me, "Jos! Focus!" Apparently, she didn't appreciate the chit-chatting...What a lil' sweet angel, huh??

Puttering around on Eric's new kayak at our 2nd home in Mosier- Miss Iris is such an adventurist!

Daddy (and Eric) helped Iris build her Broadway Bridge Project: 3rd grade May 2014

Stephenson Variety Show, Iris performed a dance to Pharrell's 'Happy' 5/31/14

Sample of Daytime show...

Sample of Evening show...

Oh how Iris loves sports...ALL kinds!  GO TIMBERS!

Short-track series Monday night bike races June-Aug. 2014

Iris' first sleep-over (one of her 'besties' - Grace' Sweet 16!)

Kiwanis Camp Family Pilot Program August 2014

Video Jos made of our fun weekend at Kiwanis Camp...

Chap Art Camp!

Ms. Jil has been Iris' aid at school since Kindergarten (how fortunate are we?!), but Jil is more like a family member to us...WE LOVE YOU Ms. Jil!

She's always been such a monkey!

Assisting leading stretches at summer basketball camp

Timbers soccer camp 

Summer track camp! (obviously used photos to promote DSNO Buddy Walk)

Iris loves building, games, puzzles, creating and time with her Daddy!

We love our fun boat time out on the river and Iris has claimed she wants to learn to water ski soon!

Oh how Iris LOVES her Betsy-girl and her bro, which she still calls her 'best friend'  least when they are getting along!

Some of Iris' wonderful friends supporting her at the 2014 DSNO Buddy Walk

We four girls are BFFs for lucky are we to connect?!

Iris LOVES "Baby Ellie" as she refers to her...

Fireflies! Soccer season with her friends and classmates...

 I love how these girls embrace and celebrate Iris' ABILITIES!

NIKE Youth Games: Iris' photo from the year prior was featured on posters and all the programs (our little athletic superstar!) She chose to play basketball.

Iris' 1st year competing in Oregon Special Olympics! She earned 2 gold medals in her category for swimming!  SO proud, of course...

Iris played Middle Billy Goat Gruff in 'Rapunzel' Missoula play at school...

Our future 'master chef'?? Iris created and presented these dishes all on her own after watching Po, from Kung Fu Panda, in a restaurant scene.

She chose to be Mike Wazowski from Monsters Inc. for Halloween.
 Eric worked hard creating this costume for her....what an amazing brother.

Check out Iris' amazing jump rope skills! I was actually trying to capture her amazing dribbling skills and got this instead....

Enjoying sunset at our 2nd home in Mosier, Or....
You know, I could go on and on and on with this blog, photos, videos featuring Iris' strengths, development, humor and fantastic spirit; her efforts with her school required violin, her amazing jump rope capabilities and her love of her gymnastics class, but I think I'll end on this gorgeous face that continues to fill our hearts and blow us away continually....
You go Iris!  We love you ROCKSTAR!!!

Our 'Wild' (movie) Ride...

Our ‘Wild’ (movie) Ride….

It was September 2013 and we were driving home from our 2nd home in Mosier, Oregon when I listened to my message on my cell phone from Paula Schiedler (dear friend and co-founder of DSNO - Down Syndrome Network Oregon). “CALL ME!  Hollywood is in town and I want to you to submit Iris’ photo!”  When I called her back, she explained a movie was being filmed here in Oregon and the director wanted a person with Down Syndrome and the criteria was male or female age 7 to 20 years of age.  I asked what movie and she said, “Wild”.  “WILD???!!! As in the book??” I asked.  “Yeah, I guess so,” she responded nonchalantly. “Oh my gosh Paula, that’s one of my absolute favorite books!  But why someone with Down Syndrome, as there aren’t any characters in the book with DS?”  “I dunno, but get me a picture of Iris ASAP!”  Well, I put off doing it as I thought it was too much of a long shot, not to mention although Miss Iris has no problem performing a dance routine on stage, an acting role and auditioning for a stranger was nearly impossible, in my opinion, and just predicted she would ‘shut down’.  Paula pestered me a couple more times and on the last day of photo submissions she pleaded, “C’mon Jos! “  I explained my hesitancy and she somehow convinced me, but I asked what KIND of photo do they want?”  “You know – like a black and white head shot from an agency.”  “Oh yeah….because I have SO many of those lying around!”  I got off the phone, searched on my computer, selected Iris’ school photo I snapped in front of our garage from a week earlier, converted it to black and white and emailed it to Paula to submit.  The very next day we received an e-mail from a local casting agency requesting Iris show up at an audition in the next couple of days.  “Wow!  That’s kinda cool”, I thought.  Now the trick will be convincing my daughter of this idea.  When I told her about it she was immediately adamant, as she doesn’t like missing school or her friends and she could detect this would be out of her comfort zone.  So, I persuaded her with a tiny little lie…I told her that MAAAAYBE if she actually made it into the film, she could meet Po ‘from Kung Fu Panda’ or Megamind!  (I know, I know BAD BAD Mama, but obviously I wasn’t feeling confident we’d get this far!)  “Oh ALL RIGHT!!!” she snapped in disgust.  Phew….

I envisioned the audition as more of an inspection – as if Iris would walk in front of an impatient casting agent, they would look her up and down and then say, “NEXT!”  Honestly.  Therefore, when we arrived at the filming base sight in Clackamas I was surprised to see a make-up trailer and people hustling around with headsets and clipboards.  The admin officials were extremely nice and welcoming to us both and had me quickly fill out some paper work before the audition.  While waiting, we learned there were four other teenage boys with DS auditioning ahead of us, so of course that made me believe the director already knew what he desired and made me wonder why Iris was even there.  When they lead us to the auditioning room, it was only a guy with a thick French accent who greeted us and I just assumed he was some random casting agent.  He had Iris and I sit on a couch and I bluntly asked him about the idea of a character with DS when there weren’t any in the book.  He went on to explain he had some family friends with a daughter with DS and she held a special place in his heart, not to mention he had casted a female with DS in one of his other films he directed in Canada.  He then proceeded to take Iris through some fun drills, although I warned him that although she was a vivacious girl, she was shy and it took effort to get her to be comfortable with others.  She warmed up to him right away and freely followed through with the directed activities he asked of her.  We then left the audition, I was in happy spirits telling Iris how proud I was of her, and she would get an ice - cream cone on the way back to school (hoping she wouldn’t raise the promised Kung Fu Panda/Megamind meeting). I was thinking, “Man, that was REALLY neat!  And although I’m fairly certain Iris is not what they are looking for, that was SUCH a great experience and will mark that as a ‘highlight’ and interesting experience!  However, I will need to ‘Google’ that guy’s name when I get home (who was that masked man??!!....).”  You can probably guess I about choked on my snack when I read and discovered it was Jean Marc Vallee, the infamous director of ‘Dallas Buyers Club’.  “Holy Schnikey’s Batman!!!  I am almost glad I didn’t know who we were meeting with, although reflecting back I probably could have sat up straight on the couch and not scratched my crotch!”  Okay, I didn’t truly do the latter, but I was darned relaxed and comfortably jovial, but then again, that just shows you what an amazingly human, kind, personable man Jean Marc is – both Iris and I adored him and were very comfortable from the get-go. 

The next day I received an e-mail from the casting agency stating not only did they want Iris in the film, but they wanted me, as well.  WHAT???!!!  Did I just read that right??!!  I think I actually wrote just that in my e-mail response.  But when they confirmed, I was guessing it was to keep Iris comfortable in the scene.  We were to show up to a church parking lot up in Corbett, Oregon and would be shuttled to the filming site, which was the general store in town.  We were also instructed it was TOP SECRET; the location was not to be shared and strict rules of no cameras, no cell phones, no interaction with the actors, no eye contact, no talking, no looking, no touching…basically to curl up in a fetal position in the corner until you are spoken to and called upon – HA!

The night before our shoot, we had to venture back out to Clackamas for dress and make-up approval.  I was instructed to bring choices of clothing keeping in mind the book took place in the summer of 1995 (i.e. The grunge look, flannels, ‘Mom jeans’, and they actually provided those description as examples!  OH NOOOOO!!!.....)  When it came to my review and inspection, the make-up artist looked at me and said, “When you arrive tomorrow – NO MAKE-UP!  And your hair is too styled at the moment.  Does your daughter have other glasses?  Because the turquoise and purple rims weren’t in style in 1995.”  I was a bit disappointed as even though this entire debut was about Iris, my vain self couldn’t stop thinking, “Really?? There’s a slight chance I may be flashed on the big screen and she has asked me not to wash or style my hair and wear absolutely no make-up?!  Oy vay…”  Well, I couldn’t stand it the next morning of and ended up applying my bronzing lotion to my face for at least a little color, which can shimmer in the sunlight.

The following day when we arrived in Corbett we were instructed to park in a church parking lot about a half mile from the set and a shuttle van would pick us up. We had been taken directly to the craft services area (I actually didn’t know what this meant – it’s a catering area where you can order just about any food item you wish.  Wow! We thought that was pretty cool! However, I was too nervous to eat). 

The night before Iris had signed and brought a copy of the coffee table book “I’m Down With You”, (she is featured on the front cover) for Jean Marc.  She was eager to give it to him and right when he pulled up in a car in the craft services parking lot, she waited patiently outside his passenger side for him to end the phone call he was on and get out.  We were being asked to quickly load into the shuttle van for make-up, hair and clothes inspection, but Iris was not leaving until she delivered her gift to Jean Marc!  He finally got out of the car and gladly, lovingly took it along with a hug for both of us. 

It was a beautiful, sunny, fall day when we were taken to the area for the make-up artist’s inspection. They wanted the extras to stand in a line and scan a once over before heading to the actual filming location.  Upon arrival, I had quickly learned that Iris would be in the scene with another teenage boy with DS, Daniel, along with his mother and me.  Just before inspection the other Mom looked at me and stated (in her British accent), “Yohr wahring make-up!” “No I’m not!”  I replied in a panic. “Yes you arh – I see ‘spahkles’ on yohr face!” (evidence of my bronzing lotion). “Huh uh!....” And just as the artists approached us in the line I stepped back into the shaded area next to the make-up trailer to HOPEFULLY disguise my ‘spahkles’ shimmering in the sunlight.  They breezed by me with a quick approval and hustled us off to the set.  Feeling utterly relieved I dodged the potential, dreadful baby-wipe to the face scenario, I still had to shake off my strong urge to slug the mom in the arm!

In the Corbett general store, the filming crew was busy staging it to appear as if we were in Northern California and changing prices on signs.  This took some time and although Iris and Daniel were enjoying a great giggling time together, they began getting antsy by playing with the salt and peppershakers.  I told the other Mom I was going to go out and get Iris’ drawing materials to help keep her occupied and quiet. She thought that was a good idea and retrieved Daniel’s sketchpad as well.  By the way, we were each briefed of our anticipated roles in the scene and Iris and I were supposed to be shopping together.  The other Mom and Daniel were supposed to work the front counter.  So, when Jean Marc and the remaining filming crew burst through the front door of the store, greeted us happily and so kindly, and saw us sitting with our kids who were drawing he announced, “YES!  I like this!  But I am going to move you four over to this corner to this table. Then you two Mom’s pretend to be conversing and let’s get them some hamburgers and French fries to munch on.”  I blurted out, “Jean Marc – I don’t do hamburgers and French fries.”  “Well what do you want?” “I dunno – how about some cut veggies and fruit or something.  I mean isn’t supposed to look like we’re having a meeting versus lunch?” (What in the hell possessed me to blurt out and question the Director’s wishes is beyond me?!  Ballsy, I realize and I could not believe I protested, but again Jean Marc is such an easy person to work and interact with!)  He turned and barked at his film crew, “Okay!  Go make up a plate of sandwiches and carrots or something.  And have them sipping on coffee or water as pretend coffee.”  BOOM!  The plates of food and large paper coffee cups full of water appeared in an instant.  These people work FAST!

Soon after, low and behold, the infamous Reese Witherspoon walks into the store with a long, brown, puffy, cozy coat over her clothes for the scene.  Her hair was made to look slightly greasy, no make-up, dirt under her fingernails, bruises and scratches on various parts of her body and she STILL looked stunning!  She was tinier than I expected.  Although we were instructed not to stare, I couldn’t stop watching her of course.  She quietly walked over to me, gently stuck out her hand and said, “Hi. I’m Reese Witherspoon.  Thank you for coming to work on the set today.”  I was so star struck and dumbfounded I giggled like a nervous, little school girl and mumbled with a huge grin, “I knooooow….”.  In retrospect, I truly wish I had been quick witted enough to say, “Excuse me?  I didn’t quite catch your name, but would you mind fetching me some water?  I’m feeling a bit parched and I’m in the movie, you see.”  Dang it, that would have been funny (well, to me anyway.  What a jackass!). Instead I turned and introduced her to Miss Iris and added, “Although, she only knows you as ‘SUUUUUUSAAAAN’ from the movie, ‘Monsters Vs. Aliens’.” 

Since the shoot, so many people have asked me immediately if Reese Witherspoon was as nice as they say and of course, I tell them most definitely.  In addition, she is extremely professional, focused, stayed in character the entire time, and yet was kind to everyone.  At one point, we had been filming several hours and the other Mom said, “I’m going to go find Daniel some M & M’s or something.  They have been sitting here in the sunlight for so long, they are starting to fade!”  Seconds later Reese walked over with M & M’s for both the kids, which  made Daniel immediately rise from his chair and give Reese a huge hug which she accepted warmly. I am not joking when I say three or four crew members suddenly appear and literally threw bags of munchies, candy, and bottled water on the table for us!  (I guess it took the star of the film to get some service around there!  Just kidding, but it WAS pretty funny to observe.)

A funny, yet offensive comment from my husband, James, the night before the shoot: “Since it’s only a non-speaking role, you had better be careful with how animated and dramatic you can be.”  (Oh ha ha ha!) Yet sure enough, this was noted.  One of the characters, Stacie, from the movie walks into the store at one point and because the door squeaks and a bell jingles upon opening, I automatically turned and looked in that direction while the camera was rolling.  After a couple attempts, the assistant director hollers, ‘’Cut!” and then calls me out, “Jos – I actually like that you look when Stacie walks in as that would be a natural response, but could you take it down a notch with the swiftness of your look in that direction?”  Good Lord, I was laughing so hard inside because James had nailed his predictions.  I still giggle to this day at that memory and imitate myself looking over my shoulder in ultra slow motion, yet maintain the flamboyant, bionic woman style effect.

We were wrapping up shooting the last angles of the scene and Jean Marc hollers (in his wonderful, thick French/Quebec accent), “Okay, I am not sure I am going to put dis in dey film, but Reese, I want chu to walk up to Iris and Daniel and ask, “Zu you like my zhooz? And Iris and Daniel you jus’ respond with some sort of head nod, okay?” (Keep in my Reese had her feet wrapped with duct tape around her Teva sandals). “Okaaaaay……ACT-SHONE!!” Reese: “Do you like my shoes?”  And unbeknownst to me, Iris peers over the table and down at Reese’s feet and exclaims, “That’s crazy!!!”  The entire set burst out laughing, but Jean Marc hollers, “CUT CUT CUT!!!”  And runs over to Iris and squats down to look her in the eyes and says, “Iris honey, you cannot speak!  No talking, okay sweetheart?  Just nod or shake your head, okay? Okay. Let’s try again.  Aaaaannd……ACT-SHONE!”  “Do you like my shoes?” Which then Daniel leans over the table and yells, “That’s crazy!!!”  Again laughter and I LOVE that the older, 14-year boy copied Iris!  Jean Marc runs over once again, squats down and says, “Iris. Daniel.  When Reese asks you, ‘Zu you like my zhooz, you jus’ shake your head. Like deese. Just shake it side to side, like ‘no no no no no’ Oui? Yes? Okay!!”  Of course, our kiddos were spot on the third and final time, but darn that was even going to be worth it if all our time and efforts made it to the cutting room floor as we had been working with our girl to talk or speak out in uncomfortable settings for 8 years and here she did it! Fantastic! The reason the kids weren’t allowed to speak was due to signed paperwork for non-speaking roles and specific pay brackets.

That was a wrap and once again, Jean Marc personally came over to thank us and provide the gracious double cheek kiss.  What an amazing experience to work so intimately with such an incredibly talented, artistic, authentic, enjoyable film crew.  I also loved hearing Jean Marc and Cinematographer Yves Bélanger speaking French back and forth throughout the filming.  I had no idea what they were saying, but it sounded passionate and beautiful, but that’s the French language for you, in my opinion – everything spoken in French sounds gorgeous. Believe it or not, the scene took 5.5 hours to shoot!  I have an entirely new respect and appreciation for the complexity and efforts that go into making a film. 

After the filming, we were driven back to our cars at the church parking lot and the sweet gal who drove the shuttle van was the only one, so far, who has asked Iris for her autograph.  Iris went home and practiced her signature.

A few people have wondered why our names weren’t listed in the credits at the end of the movie and I have to explain that I am certain it’s because it was a brief, non-speaking role.  But I have to admit a little wish I had prior to the movie release:  so a local, Portland casting agency was contracted to pay us, and when I received my whopping HUGE paycheck (just kidding and I honestly would have done that all for FREE!) it read ‘JEunice Tervo’.  Many people are unaware that my ‘given’ name is Eunice, yet I go by ‘Jos’ (long story how I received my nickname).  So, obviously the third party casting company accidently mixed my real name with my nickname, which is where my secret wish came into play.  I would get the giggles imagining the credits rolling and it stating Iris Tervo and JEunice Tervo….hee hee hee!

On a serious note, this entire journey, from when I first read the book back in January of 2013 and being enamored by Cheryl’s writing, her story, struggles, heartaches, triumphs, and wanting all my friends to read ‘Wild’ to then actually being a part of the film and having it all finally come to fruition on the big screen still feels a bit surreal. Moreover, although I was very excited to actually meet and work with the infamous Reese Witherspoon, I was honestly more eager and hopeful to possibly meet Cheryl Strayed that day. In preparation, I brought a fresh, new copy of the book, ‘Wild’ crossing my fingers, Cheryl Strayed would be present on the set and I could meet her and get her autograph. But no Cheryl that day, which was a bummer, although I DID finally get to meet her in person at the REI ‘Wild’ movie promotional book signing a few weeks before the official Portland release. To be honest, I have a bit of a ‘girl crush’ on Cheryl Strayed as I find her amazingly warm, smart, witty, compassionate, wise, and an incredible writer. When I first read ‘Torch’ (her first novel), I felt as if it was a fictional version of ‘Wild’ and later read my thoughts were confirmed. If you read ‘Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar’, you too will understand and develop the crush as you’ll discover she could easily be a warm, loving, licensed therapist and she comes across as the perfect best friend you hope every person can obtain in their lives. Now that she is podcasting a live version of ‘Dear Sugar’, I am enamored all over again listening to she and Steve Almond’s brilliant advice and feedback to listeners.

With the film release, it all feels like a full-circle moment.  My intense feelings revolving around the entire experience have been amplified with the loss of my own wonderful Mama this past September 2014. There were so many relatable mother/daughter moments in the book and film and my neck was wet with tears after the viewing. The movie was beautifully done and Reese’s performance was authentic, raw, and definitely Oscar-worthy! Have I mentioned the music and how I play the soundtrack constantly only feeling tortured and haunted by visions of my own childhood intertwined with the actual movie and Cheryl’s past…it all runs deep for me as music has always affected me emotionally and intensely, so it’s only icing on the cake, but so soulful good!

Although it was all because of Iris we even had this amazing movie making opportunity, I am extremely grateful for this incredible experience and adventure and loved that we were able to share it together…


Night of Portland’s private, Premiere of ‘Wild’ 12.9.14. (I wish I could have brought our Superstar along…)

Friday, May 9, 2014

Iris Tervo

NOTE: Before I present Miss Iris, I want to explain (as her mother) WHY I am creating a web site for her. Because I am well aware we Mama's could create a web site for each and every one of our children!
I was recently asked to submit a bio of her to the newly created (DSDN -Down Syndrome Diagnosis Network 
and I struggled with limiting her bio as she has accomplished so much already!  And she is SUCH a superstar in our eyes, it was difficult to narrow down those details.  Also, I remember directly after Iris was born my eagerness to learn about people with DS and discover their abilities, accomplishments, developments and strides to help encourage me, inspire me, and instill hope for Iris' future.  Unfortunately, there are misconceptions out there with regards to many people with cognitive or physical delays, so my mission is to clarify and correct some of those views.
So!  Without further is our amazing Miss Iris Tervo!

May 2014:

My name is Iris Tervo and I am 9 years old.  Did my parents know I had Down Syndrome?  They had a hunch, but refused an intensely recommended amniocentesis after test results indicated a high probability of Down Syndrome not to mention not wanting to mess with destiny.  My mom, especially, is a huge believer in everything happening for a reason. So here I am impressing many, instilling happiness, exceeding expectations, teaching, loving, learning, and enhancing our world (according to my parents and teachers). I love sports – all kinds and I play all kinds too (a lot with my bro), and enjoy watching them on t.v with my Dad. I enjoy playing board games with my family and am quite good at puzzles. I have been enrolled in and enjoy many types of classes: swimming, dancing, art, Taekwondo, gymnastics, and many summer day camps.  I have been playing on a soccer team with my classmates for the past couple of years and have even been an American Girl Doll Fashion Show model two times (although, to be honest, those weren’t necessarily highlights for me, as I am a Tomboy at heart;-).  I’ve been in several school plays and performances and also starred in Talent Shows. I have lots of friends and love them SO much! I am thriving and generally mainstreamed in the 3rd grade with my wonderful aid and love school.  I am reading, writing (now cursive too), and especially like geometry, computer lab and art. Although I adore my amazing Speech Pathologist, my parents agree my big brother has always been my overall greatest therapist (he’s my best friend and ‘the awesomest’ – that’s what I just told him the other day).

Some of Iris' Best Art work:

"It's Cleopatra wearing a Oregon State sweatshirt"
Fall: 2013

The classic Farmer with pitchfork and his wife
(American Gothic)
Feb. 2014
Age: 9

Iris' Picasso Piece
Fall 2013, Age: 9

2/14' , Age: 9

Dr. Seuss
3/14', Age: 9

Iris's version of 'Green Stripe', above original

3/14', Age: 9

"The Blue Carrot"

5/14' Age: 9

5/14' Age: 9


Fun Video Clips to share: (these either made me proud, make me laugh hard and out loud, or for pure entertainment):

This link, below, was a video I created of Iris' highlights from 2012 (cannot get it to post on this blog, so here's the address):

Various photos:

Iris at 9 months old with her first pair of glasses

Iris has always loved being on our boat and wants to learn how to water ski this summer!

My cousin captured this wonderful shot...

These next 6 pages I used as an intro to her IEP notes in 2009:

I was helping out at Iris' pre-school and my duty was to encourage one child at a time to enter this cute little butterfly tent and sit on a stool while the butterflies fluttered about and I was to capture pictures.  I FINALLY coerced Iris into going in as she was very hesitant.  The poor thing sat down on the stool, looked up and a butterfly flew directly in front of her glasses.  She hollered out in pure terror - the loudest yell I've ever heard her emit!  She scurried out of the tent as fast as she could while I almost peed my pants laughing at my own daughter's fright.

The funny thing is, when you see the photo, she appears as though she is full of glee versus feeling completely horrified. 

Front and center: Kindergarten Hawaiian performance. She did AWESOME and knew all the moves and words to songs.

Iris LOVED her Tae Kwon Do class!  The only reason we stopped was because we felt it was too expensive and Iris loves plenty of other activities and sports, as well.

Iris' first school talent show:
Kindergarten - fun, funny, hip hop dance to Black Eyed Peas ('Time of My Life' - Dirty Bit)

Day camp (cooking theme)

Accomplished a bike obstacle (training wheels)

Iris still plays on team with her female classmates

Run for the Arts (she ran a mile!)

 1st grade Garden Performance and Cinderella with friend, Francesca

DSNO Talent Show - Tapping to 'Born to Be Alive' (and yes, that is "the sprinkler" move)

Our lil' Firefly in the 'Secret Garden' play

2013 Talent Show: Iris brought the house down with 'Thrift Shop' 

The 'women's right to vote!' scene in Portland Play
February 2014 - 3rd grade

Eric and Iris have an incredible relationship.  Although they can act like 'typical' siblings, he is amazing with her (loving, compassionate, patient, protective, guiding and is teaching her constantly).

Iris: 6 months, New Years Day.  I was making stew and Eric was quietly 'decorating' sister on the couch

In addition to playing so well together, they constantly entertain and make me laugh!


Crazy hair day at Iris' summer day camp (Eric styled it for her)

Noogie time!!!....

Iris has so many wonderful, supportive friends and here are just a few...

 Iris' Mentor and great friend, Grace

Iris and 'baby Ellie' will be life long friends...
(Ellie's wonderful mama and I became close friends quickly and I am deeply grateful our girls connected us, as we will be life long friends, as well.)

Some more shots of Iris' 'can do' spirit and lovin' life moments:

Just learning to pull herself up and stand (2 years)

Bustin' Barriers (formally Bustin' Buckets): 
Fantastic coaches and camp - Iris LOVED it!

Iris' Portland Broadway Bridge project 
3rd grade, May 2014

Speaking of 'Can Do' here's a wonderful video both Eric and Iris got to be a part of...see you if you spot them!

A few of Iris' 'spotlights'...

This is a beautiful book by the way:
'I'm down with You : An Inspired Journey' by Jagatjoti Khalsa

We were pleasantly surprised when we attended the Special Olympics NIKE Youth Games to discover Iris' photo from the 2012 Games was on the front cover!

Oregon Special Olympics NIKE Youth Games: 
 photo was used to thank ESPN 1080 The FAN Radiothon for their fund raiser

And lastly, Iris and I had the incredible opportunity to work with Reese Witherspoon and the amazing director, Jean-Marc Vallée in October 2013 for the film creation of, 'Wild' based off the memoir by Cheryl Strayed, which just so happens to be one of my favorite books ever!  
They were brief non-speaking roles and hopefully it will make it into the final cut, which I just learned is planned to release on December 5th 2014, so keep your eyes peeled for us....

I just want to add as a last note that Iris' success thus far can be attributed to several incredible people such as her aid at school (who is more like a family member to us), her teachers, therapists, friends, peers, coaches, family, and I want to mention our terrific local down syndrome groups and members (DSNO - Down Syndrome Network Oregon and NWDSA: the events, resources, loving families and advice offered is invaluable!) It takes a village, right?  And we are grateful for all their loving, encouraging support.  Thank you for embracing and celebrating our girl...We are SO proud!
If anyone has actually ventured down this far to read this (I know I added A LOT of photos and notes, but it was difficult to narrow down), I also want to encourage any questions you may have.  I am an 'open book' for the most part and welcome any questions or concerns regarding or revolving around Iris' development.
Thank you and with love....
Jos Tervo