I was recently asked to submit a bio of her to the newly created (DSDN -Down Syndrome Diagnosis Network
website: http://www.dsdiagnosisnetwork.org/)
and I struggled with limiting her bio as she has accomplished so much already! And she is SUCH a superstar in our eyes, it was difficult to narrow down those details. Also, I remember directly after Iris was born my eagerness to learn about people with DS and discover their abilities, accomplishments, developments and strides to help encourage me, inspire me, and instill hope for Iris' future. Unfortunately, there are misconceptions out there with regards to many people with cognitive or physical delays, so my mission is to clarify and correct some of those views.
So! Without further adieu....here is our amazing Miss Iris Tervo!
May 2014:
My name is Iris Tervo and I am 9 years old. Did my
parents know I had Down Syndrome? They had a hunch, but refused an intensely
recommended amniocentesis after test results indicated a high probability of Down Syndrome not to mention not wanting to mess with destiny. My mom, especially,
is a huge believer in everything happening for a reason. So here I am impressing many, instilling happiness, exceeding expectations, teaching, loving, learning, and enhancing our world
(according to my parents and teachers). I love sports – all kinds and I play all
kinds too (a lot with my bro), and enjoy watching them on t.v with my Dad. I enjoy playing board games with my family and am quite good at puzzles. I
have been enrolled in and enjoy many types of classes: swimming, dancing, art,
Taekwondo, gymnastics, and many summer day camps. I have been playing on
a soccer team with my classmates for the past couple of years and have even
been an American Girl Doll Fashion Show model two times (although, to be
honest, those weren’t necessarily highlights for me, as I am a Tomboy at
heart;-). I’ve been in several school plays and performances and also
starred in Talent Shows. I have lots of friends and love them SO much! I am
thriving and generally mainstreamed in the 3rd grade with my
wonderful aid and love school.
I am reading, writing (now cursive too), and especially like geometry, computer lab and art.
Although I adore my amazing Speech Pathologist, my parents agree my
big brother has always been my overall greatest therapist (he’s my best friend
and ‘the awesomest’ – that’s what I just told him the other day).
Some of Iris' Best Art work:
"It's Cleopatra wearing a Oregon State sweatshirt"
Fall: 2013
The classic Farmer with pitchfork and his wife
(American Gothic)
Feb. 2014
Age: 9
Iris' Picasso Piece
Fall 2013, Age: 9 |
2/14' , Age: 9
Dr. Seuss
3/14', Age: 9
Fun Video Clips to share: (these either made me proud, make me laugh hard and out loud, or for pure entertainment):
This link, below, was a video I created of Iris' highlights from 2012 (cannot get it to post on this blog, so here's the address):
Various photos:
Iris at 9 months old with her first pair of glasses
Iris has always loved being on our boat and wants to learn how to water ski this summer!
My cousin captured this wonderful shot...
These next 6 pages I used as an intro to her IEP notes in 2009:
I was helping out at Iris' pre-school and my duty was to encourage
one child at a time to enter this cute little butterfly tent and sit on a stool
while the butterflies fluttered about and I was to capture pictures. I
FINALLY coerced Iris into going in as she was very hesitant. The poor
thing sat down on the stool, looked up and a butterfly flew directly in front
of her glasses. She hollered out in pure terror - the loudest yell I've
ever heard her emit! She scurried out of the tent as fast as she
could while I almost peed my pants laughing at my own daughter's fright.
The funny thing is, when you see the photo, she appears as though
she is full of glee versus feeling completely horrified.
Front and center: Kindergarten Hawaiian performance. She did AWESOME and knew all the moves and words to songs.
Iris LOVED her Tae Kwon Do class! The only reason we stopped was because we felt it was too expensive and Iris loves plenty of other activities and sports, as well.
Iris' first school talent show:
Kindergarten - fun, funny, hip hop dance to Black Eyed Peas ('Time of My Life' - Dirty Bit)
Day camp (cooking theme)
Accomplished a bike obstacle (training wheels)
Iris still plays on team with her female classmates
Run for the Arts (she ran a mile!)
1st grade Garden Performance and Cinderella with friend, Francesca
DSNO Talent Show - Tapping to 'Born to Be Alive' (and yes, that is "the sprinkler" move)
Our lil' Firefly in the 'Secret Garden' play
2013 Talent Show: Iris brought the house down with 'Thrift Shop'
The 'women's right to vote!' scene in Portland Play
February 2014 - 3rd grade
February 2014 - 3rd grade
Eric and Iris have an incredible relationship. Although they can act like 'typical' siblings, he is amazing with her (loving, compassionate, patient, protective, guiding and is teaching her constantly).
Iris: 6 months, New Years Day. I was making stew and Eric was quietly 'decorating' sister on the couch
In addition to playing so well together, they constantly entertain and make me laugh!
Crazy hair day at Iris' summer day camp (Eric styled it for her)
Noogie time!!!....
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Iris has so many wonderful, supportive friends and here are just a few...
Iris' Mentor and great friend, Grace
Iris and 'baby Ellie' will be life long friends...
(Ellie's wonderful mama and I became close friends quickly and I am deeply grateful our girls connected us, as we will be life long friends, as well.)
(Ellie's wonderful mama and I became close friends quickly and I am deeply grateful our girls connected us, as we will be life long friends, as well.)
Some more shots of Iris' 'can do' spirit and lovin' life moments:
Just learning to pull herself up and stand (2 years)
Bustin' Barriers (formally Bustin' Buckets):
Fantastic coaches and camp - Iris LOVED it!
Iris' Portland Broadway Bridge project
3rd grade, May 2014
Speaking of 'Can Do' here's a wonderful video both Eric and Iris got to be a part of...see you if you spot them!
A few of Iris' 'spotlights'...
This is a beautiful book by the way:
'I'm down with You : An Inspired Journey' by Jagatjoti Khalsa
We were pleasantly surprised when we attended the Special Olympics NIKE Youth Games to discover Iris' photo from the 2012 Games was on the front cover!
Oregon Special Olympics NIKE Youth Games:
photo was used to thank ESPN
1080 The FAN Radiothon for their fund raiser
And lastly, Iris and I had the incredible opportunity to work with Reese Witherspoon and the amazing director, Jean-Marc Vallée in October 2013 for the film creation of, 'Wild' based off the memoir by Cheryl Strayed, which just so happens to be one of my favorite books ever!
They were brief non-speaking roles and hopefully it will make it into the final cut, which I just learned is planned to release on December 5th 2014, so keep your eyes peeled for us....
I just want to add as a last note that Iris' success thus far can be attributed to several incredible people such as her aid at school (who is more like a family member to us), her teachers, therapists, friends, peers, coaches, family, and I want to mention our terrific local down syndrome groups and members (DSNO - Down Syndrome Network Oregon and NWDSA: the events, resources, loving families and advice offered is invaluable!) It takes a village, right? And we are grateful for all their loving, encouraging support. Thank you for embracing and celebrating our girl...We are SO proud!
If anyone has actually ventured down this far to read this (I know I added A LOT of photos and notes, but it was difficult to narrow down), I also want to encourage any questions you may have. I am an 'open book' for the most part and welcome any questions or concerns regarding or revolving around Iris' development.
Thank you and with love....
Jos Tervo
Jos Tervo